
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

LAST GENERATION "Good News" AFTERNOON FEATURED DEVOTIONAL#19 Tuesday April 24 2012 Iyar 2, 5772

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Devotional for Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Today's Prayer Note from The Navigators:

International Executive Team
Please pray for Mike Treneer and his team as they lead the work of The Navigators around the world.


Today's Scripture: Job 23
Read it online at the Bible Gateway: (NIV) (NASB) (KJV) (The Message)

"My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." - Matthew 26:39

The woman was scared out of her wits. Here she was, on a lonely road, in the middle of nowhere, with a car that wouldn't run, and night coming on. She began to pray that God would send an angel to help her. She scanned the road in both directions, but there was no sign of anyone.

She closed her eyes and prayed some more. "Lord, please send an angel who can help me." Again she scanned both ways and saw a speck way down the road, coming toward her. She took heart and began to pray even more fervently. As the speck grew larger, she saw the biggest, burliest, long-haired, bearded man she had ever seen--a rough, tough, mean-looking guy on a motorcycle, wearing the leather jacket of the Hell's Angels.

He stopped and came toward her. "You got trouble?" he asked. "Yes, m-my car quit," she replied. "Well, let me have a look," he said. He lifted the hood, made a few adjustments, turned the key, and the car started.

"There," he said. "You shouldn't have any more problems with it, but just in case, I'll follow you to the next town." When she pulled into an all-night service station with a mechanic on duty, her benefactor went on his way. God had sent an angel, but not exactly the kind she had in mind.

Christian friend, it is so easy to want to tell God how to answer our prayers. "God, please do this for me, and do it in this way." Wait a minute! Since when does the creature give orders to the Creator? Can the piece of pottery critique the potter?


Lord, please forgive the many times I devise the answers to my prayers and expect You to cooperate. Teach me to pray in Your will and accept Your answers with thanksgiving. Amen. 

To Ponder

Perhaps God has already answered your prayer, but you can't see it because you're dictating the answer.

The text for this devotional comes from the NavPress book Daily Discipleship, which features devotionals taken from radio broadcasts by long-time Navigator LeRoy Eims. For more information or to order a copy, visit the NavPress website.
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