
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

LAST GENERATION "Good News" AFTERNOON FEATURED DEVOTIONAL#18 Tuesday April 24 2012 Iyar 2, 5772


Devotions » Tozer Devotional

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Living in Joy and Peace

There are areas in our lives where in our effort to be right we may go wrong, so wrong as to lead to spiritual deformity. To be specific let me name a few: 4. When we seek to be serious and become somber. The saints have always been serious, but gloominess is a defect of character and should never be equated with godliness. Religious melancholy may indicate the presence of unbelief or sin and if long continued may lead to serious mental disturbance. Joy is a great therapeutic for the mind. "Rejoice in the Lord alway" (Phil. 4:4). 5. When we mean to be conscientious and become overscrupulous. If the devil cannot succeed in destroying the conscience he will settle for making it sick. I know Christians who live in a state of constant distress, fearing that they may displease God. Their world of permitted acts becomes narrower year by year till at last they fear to engage in the common pursuits of life. They believe this self-torture to be a proof of godliness, but how wrong they are. These are but a few examples of serious imbalance in the Christian life. I trust the remedy has been suggested as we went along.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, Galatians 5:22


There is a freedom of spirit we may experience as believers. Joy and peace are part of the fruit of the Spirit. Gloom and inner turmoil are not!


Lord, may Your joy and peace spill out of me and splash those around me. For Jesus' sake.

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“What I believe about God is the most important thing about me.”

A. W. Tozer, a modern day prophet, was a key figure in The Christian and Missionary Alliance. His legacy reaches through time and has impacted countless millions. A prolific author and pastor, Tozer was known for his emphasis on the deeper life movement. His message, informed as it was by A.B. Simpson the founder of The Alliance, brought the missionary call to a massive audience. A series of his sermons are available as audio files.

bookHis books have been published around the world and in many languages. This devotional was compiled from the That Incredible ChristianChapter Fifteen - Our Tendency toward Religious Lopsidedness


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