
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Prophecy Week: "Pre-Trib Research Center" Saturday April 14 2012 Nisan 22, 5772


Pre-Trib Research Center

Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus - Titus 2:13.

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This site is designed to allow you to browse the archive of articles of the annual Pre-Trib Research Center study group conferences and other writings. The articles can be viewed online or downloaded in PDF version for convenient offline reading or printing.

Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus - Titus 2:13

News and Resources

  • 20th Annual Pre-Trib Study Group Conference
    Audio and video order form.
  • Date of the Book of Revelation
    A debate between Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Mr. Hank Hanegraaff.
    Watch it for free.
  • Free Download
    Dr. Mark Hitchcock's PHD dissertation on the date of the Book of Revelation.

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Pre-Trib Research Center

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