
Monday, April 16, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: "Front Page" Monday April 16 2012 Nisan 24, 5772

Paul Ryan budget
(Photo: REUTERS/Jose Luis Magana)

Liberal Christians Disagree With Paul Ryan: GOP Budget Not Biblical

By Napp Nazworth

As budget priorities have become a central focus in the 2012 election, Christian politicians and leaders have engaged in a debate over how to apply biblical principles to government budgets. The recently passed House Republican budget, the brainchild of Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), has become a central focus in this debate. Many politically liberal Christians argue it is not biblical due to cuts in programs for the poor.

Thousands Witness 'Holy Fire' Miracle in Jerusalem

By Anugrah Kumar

Thousands of Christians from around the world gathered in Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher Saturday to witness a flame that is believed to emerge miraculously from the tomb of Jesus a day before Easter, according the older Julian calendar, each year.



Obamas Earn $789,674 in 2011; Give $1,000 to St. John's Church

By Paul Stanley

As the April 16 deadline approaches for Americans to file their 2011 tax returns, President and Mrs. Obama have released their tax bill showing they paid 20.5 percent in taxes on an adjusted gross income of $789,674. But of the $172,130 they donated to charity, only $1,000 went directly to a church.

Two weeks after surgery, evangelical leader Chuck Colson is able to talk to family members and continues to show progress, but he remains in the Intensive Care Unit, according to the latest update.

A U.S. House candidate in North Carolina, who is also a young Christian businessman, is releasing a campaign ad which asks Congress to get some wisdom from the Bible, and not read "President Barack Obama's book," to help rid America of its problems.

Homeless activists and food-giveaway ministries are planning to fight an ordinance passed by the Houston City Council last week that requires prior permission before any group or individual could distribute food to five or more people on public property.

Church & Ministries

harvest crusade

Harvest America: 400 Churches Catch Greg Laurie's Vision; Number Still Growing

By Alex Murashko

More than 400 churches and venues have signed up to host a live simulcast of Harvest America, an event that is still more than four months away and is the first effort of its kind by Greg Laurie and his ministry.

Virginia-based Liberty University's decision to invite Mars Hill Church pastor Mark Driscoll as a guest speaker has stirred controversy, especially after a blogger with ties to the conservative Christian school claimed trustees told him Driscoll was not welcome on campus.

Fellowship Church pastor Ed Young, facing accusations of mistreating animals, including a lion during live sermons at his Grapevine, Texas church, has blasted a local news channel for allegedly reporting falsehoods in a video titled "Uncaging the truth."

'Wordsower' Bible Teacher: Memorizing Scripture Vital for Evangelism

Bible teacher Tom Meyer, a member of Wordsower ...

Ariz. Senate Passes Bill Allowing Bible Classes in Public Schools

The Arizona State Senate has passed a bill that ...

US Megachurches, Hundreds of Christians Targeted in Ponzi Scheme?

The U.S. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) ...

Evangelicals Want Reassurances From Romney on Pro-Life, Marriage Stance

As evangelical groups begin to line up for Mitt ...

Hilary Rosen Cancels Sunday TV Appearance as Obama Camp Distances Itself

Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen, who quickly ...

'Blue Like Jazz' Hits Theaters Today

After six years, "Blue Like Jazz" will hit ...

Kevin DeYoung at T4G: Personal Holiness Requires Effort, Action and Faith

In pursuit of personal holiness, Christians must make a daily spirit-powered, Gospel-driven, faith-fueled effort to live as humble servants of Jesus Christ, Pastor Kevin DeYoung told some 8,000 pastors and ministry leaders at the ...

Exodus Head Acknowledges Marriage Isn't the Answer for All Struggling Gays

Alan Chambers may have been able to find a wife ...

Pastor Matt Chandler Mentions Church Member Lauren Scruggs' Accident

Young Texas megachurch pastor Matt Chandler ...


Kirk Cameron sits at the kitchen window at the Boston Guildhall Museum in his new

Kirk Cameron's Biblical Beliefs on Homosexuality Attacked in Video Rant

By Katherine Weber

Attacks against child actor Kirk Cameron for expressing his religious beliefs on homosexuality have continued despite it being more than a month since the comments were made. The most recent attack comes in the form of a two-minute spoof video created by the comedy website "Funny or Die."

Bubba Watson, first-time winner of a Masters Tournament who earned his green jacket on Easter Sunday, recently spoke about tweeting for God, the PGA Bible study he took part in and his newly adopted son.

Pam Tebow, mother of New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow, was the keynote speaker at the Carolina Pregnancy Center fundraiser Tuesday night and shared with those in attendance what she describes as the miraculous story of her son's birth.


Rosarito Christmas

1 Million Christians Pray for World's 2 Billion Children

By Anugrah Kumar

A nondenominational movement called the "4/14 Window" is mobilizing one million Christians from around the world to fast and pray for the 2.3 billion children on earth on Saturday to raise up a new generation to transform the world for Christ.

Transport officials in the city of London, England, have decided not to allow a Christian group that believes homosexuals can change their sexual orientation to post its new advertisement on the city's buses.

An Islamic ultra-conservative party in Germany is handing out 25 million free copies of the Quran in what is seen by some as an attempt to recruit jihadist, or Muslim holy warriors.

While Christians around the world were celebrating Resurrection Sunday, 12 Iranian believers were defending themselves before a judge in the city of Rasht after being arrested for practicing their faith.

Tech & Biz

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Galaxy Nexus Release Date Rumored for April 22 on Sprint

By Vincent Funaro

Sprint's version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus could launch as early as April 22, according to a leaked memo recently posted on BGR.

A photo of what is said by YouMobile to be a Samsung Galaxy S3 running Ice Cream Sandwich surfaced on the site earlier today.

The late hip hop chorus singer known as Nate Dogg will allegedly be making an appearance at this year's Coachella in hologram form.

Ron Sider: Obama, GOP Budgets Both Inadequate

By Napp Nazworth

The federal budgets offered by both President Obama and House Republicans are inadequate at upholding biblical principles, according to evangelical author and theologian Ron Sider in an interview with The Christian Post.


Sweden Has Become the Manchester United of Giving on Overseas Aid

Powerful earthquake hits Indonesia

With Manchester United looking like winning the Premier League again, it seems business as usual in the football world. Yet in the international league table of Overseas Aid, an unexpected candidate has emerged.


After Death, Is There a Final Chance to Be Saved?

Casket, Coffin, funeral, death

There is no indication in the Bible that there's a purgatory or that there's a chance that God would let you be saved.


North Korea: Persecution Watchdog Launches Prayer Event on 'Day of the Sun'

North Korea

As North Korea plans a national celebration for the 100th birthday of the late Kim Il-sung on Sunday, Open Doors, an international Christian ministry which serves persecuted believers, is mobilizing Christians around the world to participate in a day of prayer.


America Is Living Like the Prodigal Son

The strong correlation between sexual immorality and overspending is beyond dispute. A perfect example in the Bible is the prodigal son in Luke 15. A perfect example in the world today is the United States.


Obama, Romney: Self-Professed Christians Whom Many Christians Don't Believe Actually Are Christians

Mitt Romney

Now, the Presidential race is really on – and down to two candidates. But, it appears, that many Americans (and a strong majority of evangelicals) don't think either of them actually are Christians.


Is Faith Believing What You Know Ain't So?

Code Orange, Elevation

Marilynne Robinson is the Pulitzer Prize winning author of Gilead. Her latest collection of essays, titled "When I Was A Child I Read Books," calls mainline Protestants to task for "retreating from the cultivation and celebration of learning and beauty . . . as if people were less than God made them and in need of nothing so much as condescension."


CJ Mahaney: How Pastors Can Resist Losing Heart

C.J. Mahaney

Prominent evangelical pastor C.J. Mahaney knows a thing or two about losing heart, having just returned earlier this year after temporarily stepping down from leading Sovereign Grace Ministries over allegations of character flaws by former SGM leaders. Mahaney delivered an emotional message on the opening day of the Together for the Gospel conference during which he immersed the attendees in studying the letter of Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth about not losing heart.


Inside Church Planting: Poor, Struggling, but Sold Out on the Vision (Part 2)

Bill Craig, a church planter and founder of Kaleomark Church, takes a photo of himself in front of his SUV, which is parked on the side of the road and covered in a banner to advertise the new church.

As the campus pastor of a church plant, I have heard funny, sad and inspiring stories about what it is like to be a part of a new church in its earliest stages of life. It can be a painful process at times, and church planters often work long hours for little pay in order to see the vision that God has given them fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems, vision is all they have, but in the tough times it can also be enough to get them by.


False Conversions Are the Suicide of the Church, Pastor Warns

mark dever

False conversions are a serious problem that could lead not only to the "suicide of the church" but also to the defaming of God's name, an evangelical pastor warned. Mark Dever fears there are thousands, if not millions, of people in churches who are not truly converted.


Religion in the Public Square

flag, cross

I'm thrilled public schools are now teaching religion all over the country. But, you'll have to guess which country.


Eight Wrong Reasons for Dating a Girl

perry noble

"She's Hot!" – So is hell! "I'm bored & lonely!" – So, because you want "entertainment" you are actually going allow yourself to play games with the heart of a woman


NYT Columnist at Q Conference: Bad Religion, Not Atheism, Replacing Christianity

The New York Times' youngest-ever op-ed columnist and also one of the few conservative Christians at the esteemed newspaper, Ross Douthat, made the case at the Q Conference Tuesday evening that it is not atheism that is replacing American Christianity, but bad religion.


Angry Nerds


Is it me or is there a growing number of theologically conservative preachers, teachers and seminary students who just seem ticked off all of the time?


The Need for Strong Marriages


If strong marriages are the foundation of a healthy society, we've got a lot of repair work to do.


Considering (and Surviving) Unhealthy Christian Organizations, Part 2


If you do find yourself in an unhealthy Christian organization, I would encourage you to consider that God may want you to leave it. My own standard is this: will staying here hurt my walk with God or harm my family?


Can You Be a 'Gay Christian?'

Matt Moore, formerly a practicing homosexual, is now a Christian who openly shares his testimony of how God rescued him from his partying lifestyle.

I receive multitudes of emails on a daily basis from people who encourage me to accept my homosexual feelings rather than turn from them. These people claim that they know Christ, and that His will is for them to pursue their homosexual preferences. In the video posted here I will expound on why this can't be true.


Hell: It Has Its Problems!

Have you ever had an experience similar to mine? I talked with a man who told me that he stopped believing in God and going to church when he heard that most of his friends, and a lot of people in other parts of the world who had never heard of Jesus were going to go to Hell.


The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity - Part 2 (Origins of Life)

The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity Part 2 - Origins of Life (Alex McFarland)

Special Guest Alex McFarland of Southern Evangelical Seminary leads us through Objection 2 from his book "The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity."


Newborn Baby Found Alive in Morgue 12 Hours After Being Declared Dead

baby feeet

A newborn in Argentina was found very much alive in a morgue by her mother 12 hours after hospital staff had declared the baby dead. The mother, Analia Bouguet, tells TeleNoticias TV that the hospital still has issued her only a death certificate for the infant rather than a birth certificate.


Expert: Black Leaders Fueling Racial Division for Political Gain

Carol Swain

Black political leaders, such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, have used the death of Trayvon Martin to stir racial division for political gain, Carol Swain, professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt University, argued in a Tuesday interview with The Christian Post.


What Do You Think of Using the Internet to Find a Spouse?


The feeling it has made me feel is, "I wish the church would do this better. Why should people have to go to the internet, for goodness sakes, to find a spouse!?"


On Race and Love and Trying to Understand

Trayvon Martin

When it comes to racial reconciliation—and here I'm thinking primarily of blacks and whites—there are certain things I think each group wishes the other would understand.


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