
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST "MORNING NEWS" Front page Wednesday April 4 2012 Nisan 12, 5772

oikos university
(Photo: ReutersStephen Lam)

Oikos University Shooting: Unresolved Anger Likely One Goh's Primary Motivation

By Alex Murashko

As more details emerge about One Goh, the suspected shooter who killed seven and injured three others at Oikos University in Oakland, Calif., it has become clear that the former student's unresolved anger had a stake in the tragedy Monday.

Survey: Nearly 70 percent of Americans See Easter as Religious

By Michael Gryboski

A soon to be published survey on the spiritual habits of American adults found that nearly 70 percent of respondents consider Easter to be a religious observance.



Obama Blasts GOP Budget as 'Thinly Veiled Social Darwinism'

By Napp Nazworth

President Barack Obama accused the House Republicans of being dishonest in the passage of their budget plan last week. He argued that the budget is not really about deficit reduction, as Republicans argue, but an attempt to "impose a radical vision" that is "antithetical to our entire history."

The nation's largest abortion provider Planned Parenthood recently announced that it will be placing a health center next to an adoption facility.

Prison Fellowship Ministries founder Chuck Colson is recovering well from a surgery that removed a blood clot from his brain Saturday morning.

A controversial sign was placed outside Rose City Park United Methodist Church in Portland, Ore., last week reading "God Prefers Kind Atheists Over Hateful Christians," and has attracted a variety of responses to the pastor's message.

Organized by Obama-supporter the Rev. Jamal Bryant, The Empowerment Movement will aim to register 1 million black voters on Easter Sunday in thousands of African-American churches nationwide. But if their efforts favor a particular candidate or party they could be wading into IRS trouble.

Church & Ministries

Andy Stanley

Ga. Pastor Andy Stanley: Don't Settle for 'Christian'

By Lillian Kwon

What does it mean to be "Christian?" Given that the term is not even clearly defined in the Bible and draws a myriad of definitions from Christians themselves, influential pastor Andy Stanley is challenging believers to embrace a different, and more convicting, identity: disciple.

Churches in 124 countries will be participating in Prison Fellowship International's (PFI) annual Week of Prayer for Justice, which began April 1 and will end on Easter Sunday.

As many churches celebrate Easter with special church services and egg hunts including candy, one North Carolina church will be giving away an Apple iPad, Xbox 360 and two iPod shuffles.

Pastors and members of churches across the nation wore hoodie sweatshirts on Palm Sunday in honor of Trayvon Martin, who was killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Fla. over a month ago.

With a bed and a stripper pole placed next to his pulpit, a pastor in Ohio is all set to begin a series of sermons on sex and relationships beginning Sunday.

What is your occupation?

Tornado Hits Dallas, Described as 'Nightmare Scenario' (VIDEO)

An emergency tornado alert has been issued in Dallas as two large tornado's make their way through the heart of the Dallas Ft. Worth area.

Worship Service Targeted in Deadly Grenade Attacks in Kenya

Two twin grenade blasts Saturday killed an ...

Obama vs. Romney: Polls Show Close Race

Current polling suggests that the general ...

Evangelical Church Must Repent First to Stop Abortion, Says Fla. Minister

A Florida pastor who has made it his ministry to ...

Rick Santorum Denies Calling President Obama the N-Word

Several YouTube clips showing presidential ...

Sarah Palin, Katie Couric Host Competing Tuesday Morning News Shows

One of the first times Sarah Palin was introduced ...

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Celebrates Birthday With Son

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) ...

Jerry Sandusky Autobiography Provided Clues to Victims, Say Authors

Famed Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky may have ...


Jeremy Lin

Jeremy Lin Talks Jesus, Faith and Prayer in Q&A Session After Surgery

By Christine Thomasos

Jeremy Lin underwent a successful knee surgery on Monday, and followed the operation by conducting an impromptu question-and-answer session on Facebook with his fans, in which he opened up about his faith and the criticism he receives.

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian's recent comments on Twitter about her church attendance provided fodder for not only celebrity gossip in the secular media and blogosphere, but surprisingly also for a Christian radio station.

Rob Dyrdek, a professional skateboarder and the star of MTV's "Fantasy Factory," is known for his far-fetched and sometimes dangerous approach to fun. But both his cousin and his mother had to question if he had gone too after he became a licensed minister.

Tim Tebow was recently announced as a backup quarterback for the New York Jets football team. But when it comes to being a spokesperson for a product, he is a first-stringer. According to the findings of a new marketing index, the outspoken Christian quarterback's endorsement is one of the most marketable among today's celebrities.


Homs syrian uprising

Christians Consider Fleeing Syria Amid Fears of Intolerance

By Luiza Oleszczuk

As the violent conflict between rebels and the Syrian government continues putting the lives of civilians at risk, many Christians are reportedly considering fleeing the country, once considered a safe haven for Christians in the Middle East.

A conference focused on the current hostile climate toward Israel in the Middle East has revealed that a number of prominent historians and theologians believe the world is witnessing biblical prophecies related to the End Times unfold before its very eyes.

Two twin grenade blasts Saturday killed an estimated two people and injured over 30 in a Kenyan city where Christians had gathered to hold an outdoor worship service.

Kelly Clarkson ACM Award Winner

"American Idol" alum Kelly Clarkson has earned ...

Christian Apparel Company Soars With Jeremy Lin's Fame

Two NBA players started a company making sports ...

Michelle Duggar Says Overpopulation a 'Lie' (VIDEO)

Reality television mother of 19 Michelle Duggar ...

Singer Natalie Grant Talks 5 2012 Dove Award Nods

Five-time 2012 Dove Awards nominee Natalie Grant ...

Made to Crave for Young Women - Tattooed On My Heart (BOOK EXCERPT, PT 9)

The Book Stop blog is publishing excerpts from ...

Living Proof of Miracles

My husband is living proof miracles happen today. ...

The Donkey Who Carried a King (BOOK EXCERPT)

The biblical teaching that Jesus was the ...

Tech & Biz


Nike to Unveil New 2012 NFL Jerseys in New York

By Benge Nsenduluka

Nike is expected to unveil its jersey designs for the 32 National Football League teams today at an event in New York.

The Vermont-based ice cream company Ben & Jerry's have kicked off their Free Cone Day Tuesday, April 3.

Google is reportedly working on its own online tablet store where it will sell the devices directly to customers the same way Apple does, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal.

Hulu Plus subscribers can now access the application for the service on several more Android powered tablets thanks to a new update that is now available for download.

Media Debate: Is Conservative Synonymous With Christian?

By Napp Nazworth

Is it appropriate for the media to use the term "Christian" to describe conservative Christians? An article by The New Republic's Timothy Noah complaining about National Public Radio's (NPR) coverage of the film, "October Baby," sparked a debate on this question.


What Is the Glue That Holds Your Church Together?

desiring god

If your church is primarily known as the indie rock church or the classical music church (or, for that matter, the homeschool church or the social justice church), you run the risk of building a body of believers whose faith is first of all in something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.


Sin Taxes vs. Sin Subsidies: Redefining Bad Behavior


If you think today's world disbelieves in sin, think again. But just wait 'til you hear what it says sin isn't.


Kay Warren Book 'Choose Joy' (EXCERPT, Pt 1)

book Choose Joy by Kay Warren

This week the Book Stop blog is featuring book excerpts from chapter four of Kay Warren's new book "Choose Joy."


Approaching the Empty Nest? 3 Ways to Plan Ahead

Transitions in life require adjustment. Never is that more true than when the last child leaves home. Often parents, especially moms, wonder, Are my best days over? What's next for me? These are good questions that can lead to action steps.


Learning How to Leave the Burden of Guilt Behind

Joplin tornado memorial service

I used to have a massive problem with guilt. I remember how I suffered with it. It was horrible! Guilt is mainly caused by the way we think about God's expectations of us


The Three Faces of God

Of all the topics of the Bible, the Trinity of God is probably the least understood and the most mysterious concept of all. Most students of the bible, theologians included, find it hard to conceptualize God as three unique people, yet one entity.


Nonprofit Created as an Affordable Retreat for Christian Leaders

The Crie Haven House in Rockland, Maine is run by a Crie Haven Ministries, which offers affordable room rates to Christian leaders who are looking for a place where they can rest.

Pastors and missionaries can work long and unusual hours while ministering to the needs of others, and they rarely have time for relaxation. That is why Celia Crie Perry, a 74-year-old woman who understands just how difficult it is to be a minister, created a vacation house in Rockland, Maine, where church leaders can get away from their work for a while.


The Gospel Test: Do Your People Really Know the Good News?

Greg Stier

Consider the possibility that you could be over-estimating what the Christians you lead really know when it comes to the Gospel.


Secularism With the Gloves Off: Vanderbilt U's Assault on Religious Organizations


In more recent months, Vanderbilt's administration decided to push secularism to the extreme — launching a virtual vendetta against religious organizations on campus.


4 Years Later: Missionary Finally Returns With Adopted Son

Becky and Kyle Morlock

Christian missionary Becky Morlock landed on U.S. soil March 24 after being stuck in India for more than four years due to complications in obtaining a visa for her adopted son, Kyle.


Economic Theory and Theological Truth

Richard Land

We hear much discussion these days on the subject of the economy. Why is our economy in the doldrums and what needs to be done to restore our once prosperous business and job climate? Are the problems merely cyclical or are they systemic?


Dying to Meet Him: Anorexia and Grace


There's been tension in my family starting 17 years ago, with this horrible disease named anorexia. It's unpredictable, sneaky, malicious, deceptive. I know the pain and hurt it's caused emotionally and psychologically, and I know I can never erase those scars.


Video Clips in Church Service Communicates Preaching Is Weak


I think that, to the degree that pastors begin to supplement their preaching with this entertaining spice to help people stay with them and be moved and get helped, it's going to backfire.


Matt Chandler Warns Pastors of Dangers of Seeking 'Success'

matt chandler

Evangelical pastor Matt Chandler has been disturbed by what he's been hearing or sensing from pastors lately – and that is their search for "success" through the size of their churches and the growth of their platforms.


Was Sodom and Gomorrah Wiped Out by a Comet?

We think we know the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but is there a plausible explanation for what the Bible says happened? Does a story that tells of brimstone and fire falling from the sky and a woman becoming a pillar of salt have a scientific basis?


President Jimmy Carter on His Bible Book, Abortion, and Evangelism (VIDEO)

Jimmy Carter

Many people know Jimmy Carter as the 39th president of the United States and winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize. His Sunday School teachings and interpretation of Scripture are included in a new study Bible called, NIV Lessons from Life Bible: Personal Reflections with Jimmy Carter.


Prepare to Give an Answer

kirk cameron CPAC

We know we will be asked what we think of homosexuality and so-called gay "marriage." So we need to prepare now for what we'll say then. If we are caught off-guard without knowing what to say, shame on us.


Legal Problems for Kennel in Israel Could Impact Long-Term Health of Biblical Dog Breed

Magnum, a national champion Canaan dog in the U.S., is co-owned by Richard Vulliet and Pamela Rosman.

A woman who immigrated to Israel to help preserve the Canaan dog, an Israeli breed believed to have made multiple appearances in the Bible, is now at risk of losing her home, and her kennel, due to a lawsuit filed by the Israel Lands Authority.


Why Going to Church Is Important, Part 1

President Barack Obama Easter

Some people claim to be Christians but don't attend church. But if you really love God, you will love His people and long to be with them.


Four Reasons I Came Back to Church


Though I can't say for sure why ALL young adults in church do so, I can share a few reasons why I, as a young adult, went back after ten years.


John Piper, Tim Keller Discuss Why Churches Still Struggle With Racism

john piper

At a live discussion on race and the Gospel this week in New York City, evangelical pastors John Piper and Tim Keller discussed why racism still persists in today's Church and shared struggles that pastors, including themselves, face in pursuing racial diversity in their churches.


Inside Church Planting: Who Are the Church Planters? (Part 1)

Multiply Indonesia

There are churches in the United States that are hundreds of years old. Many of them have rich traditions and have seen hundreds if not thousands of people come to know Jesus Christ through their ministries. Yet there is a special crop of people – the church planters – who feel called not to preach from pulpits in front of well-established congregations, but to create churches of their own.


Aborting Women's Rights

Planned Parenthood

For years, feminists have maintained that women will not be truly free or equal unless they are free to abort their unborn children.


Law and Gospel: Part 1

The WEA urges increased Bible readership during Lent. Pictured: The World's Oldest Bible.

Every ounce of confusion regarding justification, sanctification, the human condition, God's grace, how God relates to us, the nature of the Christian life, and so on, is due to our failure to properly distinguish between the law and the gospel.


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