
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST "MORNING NEWS" Front Page Tuesday April 3 2012 Nisan 11, 5772

(Photo: The Christian Post)

Evangelical Church Must Repent First to Stop Abortion, Says Fla. Minister

By Alex Murashko

A Florida pastor who has made it his ministry to end legalized abortion in the U.S. believes it is the evangelical church that must first repent and call out to God in order to win what he considers a spiritual battle for the lives of unborn children.

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Celebrates Birthday With Son

By Katherine Weber

The American Center for Law and Justice reported Monday that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, although imprisoned in Iran, was able to see his son on the young boy's birthday.


trayvon martin

Trayvon Martin Case Under Investigation by FBI

By Ivana Kvesic

The FBI began a parallel investigation into the February death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on Monday.

Several YouTube clips showing presidential hopeful Rick Santorum speaking at an event in Wisconsin in which the outspoken Catholic appears to nearly utter a racial slur in reference to President Barack Obama has sparked an online debate about what the GOP candidate might have actually said.

Police in Oakland, Calif., have detained a suspect believed to be responsible for a shooting rampage at a Christian university in which multiple fatalities were reported.

A Christian-based legal defense alliance wants to make sure everyone understands that schools in the U.S. may talk about Easter in the historical sense of what is written in the Bible about the time of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection – not just about chocolate Easter bunnies.

Church & Ministries


Church Giving Away iPad, Prizes in Stadium-Wide Easter Egg Hunt

By Michael Gryboski

As many churches celebrate Easter with special church services and egg hunts including candy, one North Carolina church will be giving away an Apple iPad, Xbox 360 and two iPod shuffles.

Pastors and members of churches across the nation wore hoodie sweatshirts on Palm Sunday in honor of Trayvon Martin, who was killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Fla. over a month ago.

With a bed and a stripper pole placed next to his pulpit, a pastor in Ohio is all set to begin a series of sermons on sex and relationships beginning Sunday.

Since the three weeks Crystal Cathedral Ministries founder the Rev. Robert H. Schuller and his family left the California megachurch, the mood within the congregation has become "very positive," the church's new president and CEO, John Charles, told The Christian Post.

A church in Georgia is planning to hold a worship service for a group not usually associated with congregations: bikers.

What is your occupation?

Jerry Sandusky Autobiography Provided Clues to Victims, Say Authors

Famed Penn State coach Jerry Sandusky may have ...

'Apocalyptic' Author Seeks to Clear Up 'Confusion' Over the Tribulation

The Book of Revelation has been the focus of ...

Groups Working to Fight Billion Dollar Sex Industry in US, Abroad

The global sex industry generates over $30 billion a year, which is why Kristin Keen is often on the side of the highway in Jacksonville, Fla. She routinely walks a section called Philips Highway to meet and talk with prostitutes working on the street. These women wonder why she cares, especially in a place where most transactions are strictly business.

Kony 2012 Sequel Released Tomorrow

The viral phenomenon known as Kony 2012 is set to ...

NC Groups 'Stand Strong Together' Ahead of Marriage Amendment Vote

North Carolina could become the next state in the ...

Bill Clinton: Hillary in 2016 a Possibility; Obama Will Win 'Handily'

Former President Bill Clinton has spoken out ...

Obama Donor and 'Bundler' Accused of Fraud

A top donor to President Obama's reelection ...

UK Conservatives Push for Gay Marriage; Churches Protest

British Prime Minister David Cameron and his ...

Suspicions Remain Despite Suu Kyi's Likely Win in Burma By-Election

As U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ...


Jeremy Lin

Christian Apparel Company Soars With Jeremy Lin's Fame

By Anugrah Kumar

Two NBA players started a company making sports apparel with Christian messages, and it fast blew up with New York Knicks star Jeremy Lin wearing their wristbands. They hope New York Jets quarterback Tim Tebow will follow suit.

Tim Tebow was recently announced as a backup quarterback for the New York Jets football team. But when it comes to being a spokesperson for a product, he is a first-stringer. According to the findings of a new marketing index, the outspoken Christian quarterback's endorsement is one of the most marketable among today's celebrities.

Five-time 2012 Dove Awards nominee Natalie Grant has opened up about what it's like to be an artist recognized by the Gospel Music Association.

The Weinstein Company recently announced that they would release their documentary "Bully" unrated after months of unsuccessful petitioning alongside celebrities and lawmakers to get their film a PG-13 rating.


jonglei peace conference

World Evangelical Alliance, South Sudan and Tribes Discuss Ending Violence in Embattled State

By Luiza Oleszczuk

Local South Sudanese government officials and tribal elders have gathered in Yei River County in Jonglei state Sunday for a three-day Peace Conference under the sponsorship of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), to discuss the role of the church in helping end tribal violence and prevent future conflict.

Hundreds of Christian visitors were in Jerusalem Sunday to celebrate Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week.

A new report released by Human Rights Watch this week argues that despite the ousting of the Taliban, women and girls in Afghanistan continue to live in precarious conditions with hundreds of females spending years behind bars for committing "moral crimes," which sometimes include being victims of rape.

Kelly Clarkson ACM Award Winner

"American Idol" alum Kelly Clarkson has earned ...

Jeremy Lin Admits It's 'Tough' Watching Knicks, Turns to Bible During Injury

Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks starting point guard ...

Michelle Duggar Says Overpopulation a 'Lie' (VIDEO)

Reality television mother of 19 Michelle Duggar ...

Living Proof of Miracles

My husband is living proof miracles happen today. ...

Made to Crave for Young Women - Reality Checks (BOOK EXCERPT, PT 7)

The Book Stop blog is publishing daily excerpts ...

Amish Buggy Bill Religious Victory or Traffic Hazard?

A new bill passed in Kentucky has excited many ...

Shroud of Turin Moved Apostles to Believe Christ's Resurrection?

The Shroud of Turin, which many believe holds the ...

Anglican 'Unity Covenant' Voted Down by Church of England

The Church of England has voted down a 'unity covenant' that was intended to help keep together the Anglican Communion, which is experiencing fierce divisions over theological differences amongst its member churches.

Youcef Nadarkhani Still Alive; Execution Reports Prove False

Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is still alive ...

Humilitarized Aid

While preserving our humanity through lunch in a ...

Tech & Biz

Samsung Galaxy S3 Press Shot

Samsung Galaxy S3 Pre-Ordered by 10 Million Customers

By Vincent Funaro

The upcoming Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone has reportedly been pre-ordered by 10 million customers around the world, according to a recent tweet by industry insider Eldar Murtazin.

Google is reportedly working on its own online tablet store where it will sell the devices directly to customers the same way Apple does, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal.

Hulu Plus subscribers can now access the application for the service on several more Android powered tablets thanks to a new update that is now available for download.

Today marks the last day for the Electric Vehicle Conference which took place in San Jose over the past couple of days. While the conference garnered some attention to those in the electric industry, car lovers may have been more taken by Google's new project instead.

Nonprofit Created as an Affordable Retreat for Christian Leaders

By Jeff Schapiro

Pastors and missionaries can work long and unusual hours while ministering to the needs of others, and they rarely have time for relaxation. That is why Celia Crie Perry, a 74-year-old woman who understands just how difficult it is to be a minister, created a vacation house in Rockland, Maine, where church leaders can get away from their work for a while.


The Gospel Test: Do Your People Really Know the Good News?

Greg Stier

Consider the possibility that you could be over-estimating what the Christians you lead really know when it comes to the Gospel.


Secularism With the Gloves Off: Vanderbilt U's Assault on Religious Organizations


In more recent months, Vanderbilt's administration decided to push secularism to the extreme — launching a virtual vendetta against religious organizations on campus.


4 Years Later: Missionary Finally Returns With Adopted Son

Becky and Kyle Morlock

Christian missionary Becky Morlock landed on U.S. soil March 24 after being stuck in India for more than four years due to complications in obtaining a visa for her adopted son, Kyle.


Economic Theory and Theological Truth

Richard Land

We hear much discussion these days on the subject of the economy. Why is our economy in the doldrums and what needs to be done to restore our once prosperous business and job climate? Are the problems merely cyclical or are they systemic?


Dying to Meet Him: Anorexia and Grace


There's been tension in my family starting 17 years ago, with this horrible disease named anorexia. It's unpredictable, sneaky, malicious, deceptive. I know the pain and hurt it's caused emotionally and psychologically, and I know I can never erase those scars.


Video Clips in Church Service Communicates Preaching Is Weak


I think that, to the degree that pastors begin to supplement their preaching with this entertaining spice to help people stay with them and be moved and get helped, it's going to backfire.


Matt Chandler Warns Pastors of Dangers of Seeking 'Success'

matt chandler

Evangelical pastor Matt Chandler has been disturbed by what he's been hearing or sensing from pastors lately – and that is their search for "success" through the size of their churches and the growth of their platforms.


In What Way Are God's Ways Higher Than Our Ways?


Whenever someone is struggling with the concept of billions of people being eternally separated from God in hell, sooner or later somebody will offer Isaiah 55:8-9: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.


President Jimmy Carter on His Bible Book, Abortion, and Evangelism (VIDEO)

Jimmy Carter

Many people know Jimmy Carter as the 39th president of the United States and winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize. His Sunday School teachings and interpretation of Scripture are included in a new study Bible called, NIV Lessons from Life Bible: Personal Reflections with Jimmy Carter.


Prepare to Give an Answer

kirk cameron CPAC

We know we will be asked what we think of homosexuality and so-called gay "marriage." So we need to prepare now for what we'll say then. If we are caught off-guard without knowing what to say, shame on us.


Hungry People Games

Hunger Games

Our culture, at this time, is ready for a movie like this. Hunger Games strikes a note of a song everyone is already singing.


Biblical Success

This morning during my quiet time with the Lord I was meditating on what it means to have Biblical success. Early in my life I would have thought that being a Biblical success would be something that looked like a Christian rock and roll star or possibly a big name preacher with a radio ministry and a church of thousands.


Legal Problems for Kennel in Israel Could Impact Long-Term Health of Biblical Dog Breed

Magnum, a national champion Canaan dog in the U.S., is co-owned by Richard Vulliet and Pamela Rosman.

A woman who immigrated to Israel to help preserve the Canaan dog, an Israeli breed believed to have made multiple appearances in the Bible, is now at risk of losing her home, and her kennel, due to a lawsuit filed by the Israel Lands Authority.


Why Going to Church Is Important, Part 1

President Barack Obama Easter

Some people claim to be Christians but don't attend church. But if you really love God, you will love His people and long to be with them.


Four Reasons I Came Back to Church


Though I can't say for sure why ALL young adults in church do so, I can share a few reasons why I, as a young adult, went back after ten years.


Resurrection ... Did He or Didn't He?

By George W. Sarris As we approach the Palm Sunday and Easter holidays, I was reminded of a Christmas card I received from a friend some years ago.  It had a very simple, but profound message.  The cover asked, “What's the difference between Christmas, Buddhamas, Confuciusmas, and Moham


John Piper, Tim Keller Discuss Why Churches Still Struggle With Racism

john piper

At a live discussion on race and the Gospel this week in New York City, evangelical pastors John Piper and Tim Keller discussed why racism still persists in today's Church and shared struggles that pastors, including themselves, face in pursuing racial diversity in their churches.


Inside Church Planting: Who Are the Church Planters? (Part 1)

Multiply Indonesia

There are churches in the United States that are hundreds of years old. Many of them have rich traditions and have seen hundreds if not thousands of people come to know Jesus Christ through their ministries. Yet there is a special crop of people – the church planters – who feel called not to preach from pulpits in front of well-established congregations, but to create churches of their own.


Aborting Women's Rights

Planned Parenthood

For years, feminists have maintained that women will not be truly free or equal unless they are free to abort their unborn children.


Law and Gospel: Part 1

The WEA urges increased Bible readership during Lent. Pictured: The World's Oldest Bible.

Every ounce of confusion regarding justification, sanctification, the human condition, God's grace, how God relates to us, the nature of the Christian life, and so on, is due to our failure to properly distinguish between the law and the gospel.


Abortion Proponents Support Ultrasound Use for Tumors


A state judge in Oklahoma this week blocked enforcement of a law that would have required doctors to give a woman an ultrasound and describe the unborn baby to her in detail before performing an abortion.


A Note to Dads With Daughters

perry noble

Spend as much time as possible with your little girl! NOW!! Seriously, do it right now!


Obamacare – Health Care Overhaul or Government Overreach?

Tea Party supporters protest Obamacare

It is said that the high court has not heard as many oral arguments on any one case since the 1950s in the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education.


Foolishness in Federal Prisons


What do you get when ideology drives federal policy? Dangerous foolishness.


An Investment in Respite Care Saves Families

dinner family

Nationally,there are some 16.8 million families caring for a child under the age of 18 who has special needs. These families are far more likely to experience divorce and are more likely to struggle financially.


Does Calvinism Make People Jerks?


Reformed folks have been stereotyped as the cranky Christians on the block. I'm not interested in debating whether the stereotype is deserved or not. Sometimes it is; sometimes it isn't.


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