
Thursday, April 5, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST "MORNING NEWS" Front page Thursday April 5 2012 Nisan 13, 5772

(Photo: Reuters/Jessica Rinaldi)

DOMA: First Circuit Court Hears Arguments in Same-Sex Marriage Case

By Alex Murashko

A Massachusetts appeals court heard from lawyers challenging the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, on Wednesday.

Poll: Evangelicals May Double Their Support for Obama in 2012 Election

By Napp Nazworth

In the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama could double the amount of support he got from evangelicals in the 2008 election, according to Barna Group, a Christian polling organization.


Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson's Condition Turns Critical After Brain Surgery

By Paul Stanley

Chuck Colson, a noted evangelical leader and leader of Prison Fellowship, is in critical condition after surgery following a brain hemorrhage on Friday.

President Barack Obama continued the annual Easter Prayer Breakfast at the White House Wednesday morning, remembering the "tremendous sacrifice" of Jesus and the hope that his resurrection gives.

An Ohio student's mother is suing his high school over administrators asking him to remove a T-shirt that read "Jesus is Not a Homophobe" during a "Day of Silence" observance.

"Only God can create something good out of this" was the message that over 800 members of the Oakland community gathered at a memorial service Tuesday evening prayed as they remember the victims killed in Monday's shooting at Oikos University, a private Christian school which specializes in integrating Korean students into American life.

Dozens of pro-life women will complete their 21-day and more than 250-mile trek from Houston – the home of the nation's largest Planned Parenthood center – to Dallas, Texas, on Good Friday.

Church & Ministries


Rhode Island Churches in Decline

By Michael Gryboski

The state of Rhode Island is experiencing a decline in church attendance and an increase in church closings, according to researchers

What does it mean to be "Christian?" Given that the term is not even clearly defined in the Bible and draws a myriad of definitions from Christians themselves, influential pastor Andy Stanley is challenging believers to embrace a different, and more convicting, identity: disciple.

Churches in 124 countries will be participating in Prison Fellowship International's (PFI) annual Week of Prayer for Justice, which began April 1 and will end on Easter Sunday.

As many churches celebrate Easter with special church services and egg hunts including candy, one North Carolina church will be giving away an Apple iPad, Xbox 360 and two iPod shuffles.

Pastors and members of churches across the nation wore hoodie sweatshirts on Palm Sunday in honor of Trayvon Martin, who was killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer in Fla. over a month ago.


Jeremy Lin

Jeremy Lin Talks Jesus, Faith and Prayer in Q&A Session After Surgery

By Christine Thomasos

Jeremy Lin underwent a successful knee surgery on Monday, and followed the operation by conducting an impromptu question-and-answer session on Facebook with his fans, in which he opened up about his faith and the criticism he receives.

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian's recent comments on Twitter about her church attendance provided fodder for not only celebrity gossip in the secular media and blogosphere, but surprisingly also for a Christian radio station.

Rob Dyrdek, a professional skateboarder and the star of MTV's "Fantasy Factory," is known for his far-fetched and sometimes dangerous approach to fun. But both his cousin and his mother had to question if he had gone too after he became a licensed minister.

Tim Tebow was recently announced as a backup quarterback for the New York Jets football team. But when it comes to being a spokesperson for a product, he is a first-stringer. According to the findings of a new marketing index, the outspoken Christian quarterback's endorsement is one of the most marketable among today's celebrities.


Egypt Coptic Christians

Egypt's Coptic Christians Quit Constitution Talks: Participation 'Pointless' Amid Islamist Majority

By Luiza Oleszczuk

As the highly awaited new Egyptian constitution is being drafted, the nation's Coptic Orthodox Church announced over the weekend its withdrawal from a panel charged with writing it, saying Islamist domination of the panel made its participation "pointless."

The Russian Orthodox Church has released a strong-worded statement on Tuesday claiming it is under attack by strong oppositional forces that do not support the Church's backing of president-elect Vladimir Putin.

Prostitution is often not a "choice," according to Faith Huckel of the sex trafficking organization Restore NYC.

Kelly Clarkson ACM Award Winner

"American Idol" alum Kelly Clarkson has earned ...

Christian Apparel Company Soars With Jeremy Lin's Fame

Two NBA players started a company making sports ...

Michelle Duggar Says Overpopulation a 'Lie' (VIDEO)

Reality television mother of 19 Michelle Duggar ...

Singer Natalie Grant Talks 5 2012 Dove Award Nods

Five-time 2012 Dove Awards nominee Natalie Grant ...

Made to Crave for Young Women -The Empty Place (BOOK EXCERPT, PT 10)

At this point in the book, some of you may have no trouble accepting the truth of God's astounding love for us, and feel very comfortable with the idea of going to God in our cravings

Living Proof of Miracles

My husband is living proof miracles happen today. ...

The Donkey Who Carried a King (BOOK EXCERPT)

The biblical teaching that Jesus was the ...

Tech & Biz


Nike to Unveil New 2012 NFL Jerseys in New York

By Benge Nsenduluka

Nike is expected to unveil its jersey designs for the 32 National Football League teams today at an event in New York.

The Vermont-based ice cream company Ben & Jerry's have kicked off their Free Cone Day Tuesday, April 3.

Google is reportedly working on its own online tablet store where it will sell the devices directly to customers the same way Apple does, according to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal.

Hulu Plus subscribers can now access the application for the service on several more Android powered tablets thanks to a new update that is now available for download.

Atheist Activist Becomes Christian After Believers Show Him Compassion

By Jeff Schapiro

A few months ago Patrick Greene was an atheist who was threatening to sue Henderson County, Texas, if the county didn't remove a Nativity scene from its courthouse lawn. Today he is a believer in Christ who underwent a radical change of heart that was catalyzed by the compassion of one Christian woman.


Why Going to Church Is Important, Part 2


The church exists for three purposes. The first purpose of the church is to exalt God


The Triumph of Greed

Ken Connor

Capitalism has become the blunt instrument of unrestrained greed. This is the spirit of social Darwinism run amok. Only the strong survive, while concern for one's neighbor or for "the common good" is pooh-poohed as weakness masquerading as altruism.


What Was Jesus' Best Day?

When we think about someone's "best day" we associate it with something good happening — a great adventure, a rewarding experience, or a joyous occasion. What was Jesus' best day? Was it at the wedding in Cana when He performed His first miracle? Was it in the countryside when He fed 5000 hungry people?


Is There Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?

jesus film

In addition to the massive historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I believe there is scientific evidence for the resurrection


The Good Friday Fiasco is Utter Foolishness

India Good Friday protest

Let me see if I have this right. You Christians believe that the Son of God suffered and died on a cross 2000 years ago...and that somehow, this helps you get connected to your God. Yep. That's right. That is the teaching of the Bible. And is utter foolishness to the natural way of thinking about God.


Seven New Trends in the Pastor Search Process

thom rainer

If there is anything consistent about the current state of how churches find and call pastors, it is the inconsistencies of the process for each church. It is inconsistent by denomination and by each church individually.


Kay Warren Book 'Choose Joy' (EXCERPT, Pt 2)

book Choose Joy by Kay Warren

This week the Book Stop blog is featuring book excerpts from chapter four of Kay Warren's new book "Choose Joy."


What Is the Glue That Holds Your Church Together?

desiring god

If your church is primarily known as the indie rock church or the classical music church (or, for that matter, the homeschool church or the social justice church), you run the risk of building a body of believers whose faith is first of all in something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.


Sin Taxes vs. Sin Subsidies: Redefining Bad Behavior


If you think today's world disbelieves in sin, think again. But just wait 'til you hear what it says sin isn't.


Happy Easter...Here's What Happened

Before I start, let me preface this message by telling you that there is nothing wrong with celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His resurrection is essential for the Christian faith to exist. Duh?! So why am I telling you this?


Are You Prepared to Meet Jesus?

Are You Prepared to Meet Jesus? We pray this email finds you blessed and prepared. We can spend our whole lives preparing for this life which we know is like a vapor and can be gone at any moment or we can prepare for eternity.


Media Debate: Is Conservative Synonymous With Christian?


Is it appropriate for the media to use the term "Christian" to describe conservative Christians? An article by The New Republic's Timothy Noah complaining about National Public Radio's (NPR) coverage of the film, "October Baby," sparked a debate on this question.


More Beginnings: A Trinitarian Plan for Restoration (Pt. 2)


A. W. Tozer's classic, The Knowledge of the Holy, offers sage and practical advice about the subject of God: "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."


Trey Smith, Atheists, Mask Wearers, the Devil, Great God Nothing....and the Sort

Trey Smith running from Mike Murdock

You know what fascinates me is that when Atheists are not challenged they take on this very calm, collected, intellectual-superiority attitude thing... But, when something that conflicts with their paradigm is introduced into the equation (even a tiny ripple)–all that shatters in seconds with such delicate fragility.


Learning How to Leave the Burden of Guilt Behind

Joplin tornado memorial service

I used to have a massive problem with guilt. I remember how I suffered with it. It was horrible! Guilt is mainly caused by the way we think about God's expectations of us


Nonprofit Created as an Affordable Retreat for Christian Leaders

The Crie Haven House in Rockland, Maine is run by a Crie Haven Ministries, which offers affordable room rates to Christian leaders who are looking for a place where they can rest.

Pastors and missionaries can work long and unusual hours while ministering to the needs of others, and they rarely have time for relaxation. That is why Celia Crie Perry, a 74-year-old woman who understands just how difficult it is to be a minister, created a vacation house in Rockland, Maine, where church leaders can get away from their work for a while.


The Gospel Test: Do Your People Really Know the Good News?

Greg Stier

Consider the possibility that you could be over-estimating what the Christians you lead really know when it comes to the Gospel.


Secularism With the Gloves Off: Vanderbilt U's Assault on Religious Organizations


In more recent months, Vanderbilt's administration decided to push secularism to the extreme — launching a virtual vendetta against religious organizations on campus.


4 Years Later: Missionary Finally Returns With Adopted Son

Becky and Kyle Morlock

Christian missionary Becky Morlock landed on U.S. soil March 24 after being stuck in India for more than four years due to complications in obtaining a visa for her adopted son, Kyle.


Economic Theory and Theological Truth

Richard Land

We hear much discussion these days on the subject of the economy. Why is our economy in the doldrums and what needs to be done to restore our once prosperous business and job climate? Are the problems merely cyclical or are they systemic?


Dying to Meet Him: Anorexia and Grace


There's been tension in my family starting 17 years ago, with this horrible disease named anorexia. It's unpredictable, sneaky, malicious, deceptive. I know the pain and hurt it's caused emotionally and psychologically, and I know I can never erase those scars.


Video Clips in Church Service Communicate Preaching Is Weak


I think that, to the degree that pastors begin to supplement their preaching with this entertaining spice to help people stay with them and be moved and get helped, it's going to backfire.


Matt Chandler Warns Pastors of Dangers of Seeking 'Success'

matt chandler

Evangelical pastor Matt Chandler has been disturbed by what he's been hearing or sensing from pastors lately – and that is their search for "success" through the size of their churches and the growth of their platforms.


President Jimmy Carter on His Bible Book, Abortion, and Evangelism (VIDEO)

Jimmy Carter

Many people know Jimmy Carter as the 39th president of the United States and winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize. His Sunday School teachings and interpretation of Scripture are included in a new study Bible called, NIV Lessons from Life Bible: Personal Reflections with Jimmy Carter.


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