
Friday, April 6, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST "MORNING NEWS" Front Page Friday April 6 2012 Nisan 14, 5772

tomb of Jesus
(Photo: Reuters/Rula Halawani)

Theologian Gives Top 10 Myths About the Resurrection

By Alex Murashko

Did the disciples think they saw Jesus after his death on the cross as the result of hallucination or did they really see a resurrected Christ?

Study: 'God Gap' Present Among Latinos Also

By Napp Nazworth

Latinos are also influenced by the "culture war" or "God gap" thesis, according to a new study. Evangelical Latinos are more likely to support Republicans and secular Latinos are more likely to support Democrats. Catholic Latinos are the least influenced by the culture war thesis.


Rick Santorum in front of US flag in Wisconsin

Christian Conservatives Suggest Santorum Exit GOP Race, Focus on 2016

By Paul Stanley

Conservative Christian leaders who have in past months embraced the conservative message of former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum are now calling for him to consider exiting the GOP race for the White House so that voters can access the qualifications of the Democrat and Republican nominees.

Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, has shown some signs of recovery after undergoing surgery to remove a pool of clotted blood on his brain, according to an update Thursday.

A Massachusetts appeals court heard from lawyers challenging the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman, on Wednesday.

The alleged gunman who went on a Monday morning shooting spree at a private Christian university in Oakland, Calif., has been charged with seven counts of murder, all with special circumstances, and three counts of attempted murder, according to court documents released Wednesday.

Church & Ministries

Dr. Robert A. Schuller

Former Crystal Cathedral Pastor Writes About 'Dark Period' in His Life

By Ivana Kvesic

Former Crystal Cathedral pastor Robert A. Schuller recently released an inspirational new memoir chronicling the "dark period" in his life when he left the California megachurch and how the challenge of being "down to nothing" taught him to put more trust in God.

Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Wash., recently wrote in an editorial that Christians who rail against other believers for partaking in non-religious Easter traditions are comparable to "those who murdered Jesus."

A church in Maryland has decided to hold a "Blessing of the Motorcycles" event for the benefit of some of its members as well as for outreach.

In an attempt to support the ordination of women bishops in The Church of England, a British historian is emphasizing the importance of women in religion and posing the idea that God could be female.

First Person: Atheist Activist on Journey to Being Christian Again (EXCLUSIVE)

My parents sent all 8 children to Catholic school. We went to church every single Sunday. My father actually built a chapel in our backyard. He put pews and candles in it. We spent countless hours in there over the years in the ...

What Is Maundy Thursday?

Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, ...

Rick Santorum Struggles With Support in His Home State

A new poll shows Pennsylvania native Rick ...

Tenn. Billboard Hopes to Dispel Myths About Atheists

An atheist organization has posted a billboard off of a major Tennessee roadway with the purpose of dispelling myths about atheists and agnostics in America.

Contraceptive Coverage Cut Off by One of Oldest Catholic Universities in US

One of the oldest Roman Catholic colleges in the ...


clayton kershaw

Dodgers Pitcher Clayton Kershaw Shares His Faith Testimony

By Brittany Smith

The producers of the "I am Second" Christian video testimonies debuted Cy Young Award-winning pitcher of the Los Angeles Dodgers Clayton Kershaw's story about his Christian faith on Thursday – the opening day of Major League Baseball season.

"American Idol" contestants need spiritual support and need to be ministered to, claims Leesa Bellesi, who is also known as the "Idol Pastor." The Orange County-based minister found herself convinced at one point, six years ago, that she should take up the task to protect the young contestants' faith and mental health from the cruelty of the industry and, as it later became clear, from cyber bullying, she has told The Christian Post.

A video of a British teen auditioning with his friend on "Britain's Got Talent" has attracted millions of views online and sparked shatter that the unassuming young man's performance could very well make him the "next Susan Boyle."

Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks starting point guard who recently underwent possible season-ending surgery, may have been prohibited by Madison Square Garden officials from announcing the severity of his injury in order to sell tickets, according to recent headlines.


Egypt Church

Coptic Teen Gets 3 Years in Jail for 'Offensive' Muhammad Illustrations

By Katherine Weber

An Egyptian court has sentenced this week a 17-year-old Coptic student to three years in jail for posting drawings of the prophet Muhammad on his Facebook profile in Dec. 2011. The court ruled that the images were offensive to Islam and mocked the prophet.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has pleaded for Christians in the country to stick by him despite his attempts to legalize same sex marriage in the U.K., prompting the question how much support can he really enjoy from the Church?

The Russian Orthodox Church has released a strong-worded statement on Tuesday claiming it is under attack by strong oppositional forces that do not support the Church's backing of president-elect Vladimir Putin.

Jeremy Lin at Center of MSG, Cablevision NYC Media Battle?

Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks starting point guard ...

Riva Tims Opens Up About Failed Marriage With Late Pastor Zachery Tims

Months after the death of Pastor Zachery Tims, ...

Kim Kardashian Church Attendance Fodder for 'Pirate Christian Radio' Host

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian's recent comments ...

Kelly Clarkson ACM Award Winner

"American Idol" alum Kelly Clarkson has earned ...

Jesus on Stingray: Message for Bride to Be?

As Easter comes upon us and many prepare to ...

Justin Bieber Buys Home for $6 Million

Teen pop star Justin Bieber purchased a home in ...

Tech & Biz


Half a Million Mac Computers Infected: How to Know If Yours Is Too

By Brittney R. Villalva

More than 600,000 Macs have been infected by a Trojan Virus, which could steal personal information from user's computers.

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is now expected to launch on May 22 in London thanks to a leaked Samsung press invitation that recently surfaced on the internet.

Google has unveiled a new project which until now has been quite under wraps. The extensive projects results in only a small pair of glasses, but ones that could just change the way you view the world.

Apple is reportedly testing a 7.85-inch iPad in its labs, according to DaringFireball's John Gruber, who revealed the information in a recent podcast.

Former Atheist Activist Patrick Greene Responds to Critics

By Jeff Schapiro

Patrick Greene was an outspoken atheist until recently, when the generosity of a few Christians caused him to reconsider his beliefs. He now says he is a Christian. But some people – atheists as well as Christians – aren't just taking him at his word, and are openly criticizing both Greene and his conversion.


How Does Suffering 3 Hours on a Cross Deliver People From Eternity in Hell?


The answer is that the degree of suffering, indignity, reproach, degradation, and fall that Jesus endured is not simply determined temporally. And it's not simply determined by the exquisiteness of the pain of a nail cutting through a nerve in your wrist.


Go to Dark Gethsemane

Sometimes we picture Jesus far too serene. We imagine him in the garden praying rather stoically, "Not my will, but yours be done." But the mood at Gethsemane was anything but tranquil. Jesus was facing more than death or sadness. He was facing God-forsakeness.


Why Going to Church Is Important, Part 2


The church exists for three purposes. The first purpose of the church is to exalt God


Seven WRONG Reasons for Dating a Guy!

Perry Noble

"He cute!" – give it time, he won't be! ... "I'm lonely!"


The Triumph of Greed

Ken Connor

Capitalism has become the blunt instrument of unrestrained greed. This is the spirit of social Darwinism run amok. Only the strong survive, while concern for one's neighbor or for "the common good" is pooh-poohed as weakness masquerading as altruism.


What Was Jesus' Best Day?

The Whip, Hammer and Cross

When we think about someone's "best day" we associate it with something good happening — a great adventure, a rewarding experience, or a joyous occasion. What was Jesus' best day? Was it at the wedding in Cana when He performed His first miracle? Was it in the countryside when He fed 5000 hungry people?


'Suing the Devil' Reminds Christians the Devil Exists

Exclusive: "Suing the Devil" Reminds Christians the Devil exists

Tim Chey tells The Christian Post about his powerful film Suing the Devil while opening up about where inspiration for the film came from.


A Holy Week Reflection

In Christian tradition, Holy Week retells the story that begins with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and ends in Resurrection Sunday, or Easter. But it’s really more than just a revisiting of an ancient narrative. It’s an intensely theological journey that speaks deeply about God’s initiating work of love in and through Jesus, for the sake of the world.


Is There Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?

jesus film

In addition to the massive historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I believe there is scientific evidence for the resurrection


Atheist Activist Becomes Christian After Believers Show Him Compassion

Patrick Greene and his cat, Big Boy, pose for the camera.  Greene is an atheist activist who had to back off of his threat to sue Henderson County, Texas over a nativity scene a few months ago after he rapidly began losing his sight.

A few months ago Patrick Greene was an atheist who was threatening to sue Henderson County, Texas, if the county didn't remove a Nativity scene from its courthouse lawn. Today he is a believer in Christ who underwent a radical change of heart that was catalyzed by the compassion of one Christian woman.


The Good Friday Fiasco is Utter Foolishness

India Good Friday protest

Let me see if I have this right. You Christians believe that the Son of God suffered and died on a cross 2000 years ago...and that somehow, this helps you get connected to your God. Yep. That's right. That is the teaching of the Bible. And is utter foolishness to the natural way of thinking about God.


Which Worldviews Are in Conflict With Science?

Many equate naturalism (the view that nature is all that exists) with the "scientific worldview." This is an often-repeated assertion of the new atheists. Alvin Plantinga's book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism (Oxford University Press, December 2011) provides solid reasons for rejecting this assertion of the new atheism.


The Origin of the Easter Egg

Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given out to celebrate the Easter holiday or springtime. It is the influence of the traditional spring rites that made Easter so egg-special. And myths coming down to us from an incredibly distant past have shown man's relationship with the egg to be very deep seated one.


Seven New Trends in the Pastor Search Process

thom rainer

If there is anything consistent about the current state of how churches find and call pastors, it is the inconsistencies of the process for each church. It is inconsistent by denomination and by each church individually.


Kay Warren Book 'Choose Joy' (EXCERPT, Pt 3)

book Choose Joy by Kay Warren

This week the Book Stop blog is featuring book excerpts from chapter four of Kay Warren's new book "Choose Joy."


What Is the Glue That Holds Your Church Together?

desiring god

If your church is primarily known as the indie rock church or the classical music church (or, for that matter, the homeschool church or the social justice church), you run the risk of building a body of believers whose faith is first of all in something other than the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God.


Sin Taxes vs. Sin Subsidies: Redefining Bad Behavior


If you think today's world disbelieves in sin, think again. But just wait 'til you hear what it says sin isn't.


Media Debate: Is Conservative Synonymous With Christian?


Is it appropriate for the media to use the term "Christian" to describe conservative Christians? An article by The New Republic's Timothy Noah complaining about National Public Radio's (NPR) coverage of the film, "October Baby," sparked a debate on this question.


Learning How to Leave the Burden of Guilt Behind

Joplin tornado memorial service

I used to have a massive problem with guilt. I remember how I suffered with it. It was horrible! Guilt is mainly caused by the way we think about God's expectations of us


Nonprofit Created as an Affordable Retreat for Christian Leaders

The Crie Haven House in Rockland, Maine is run by a Crie Haven Ministries, which offers affordable room rates to Christian leaders who are looking for a place where they can rest.

Pastors and missionaries can work long and unusual hours while ministering to the needs of others, and they rarely have time for relaxation. That is why Celia Crie Perry, a 74-year-old woman who understands just how difficult it is to be a minister, created a vacation house in Rockland, Maine, where church leaders can get away from their work for a while.


The Gospel Test: Do Your People Really Know the Good News?

Greg Stier

Consider the possibility that you could be over-estimating what the Christians you lead really know when it comes to the Gospel.


Secularism With the Gloves Off: Vanderbilt U's Assault on Religious Organizations


In more recent months, Vanderbilt's administration decided to push secularism to the extreme — launching a virtual vendetta against religious organizations on campus.


4 Years Later: Missionary Finally Returns With Adopted Son

Becky and Kyle Morlock

Christian missionary Becky Morlock landed on U.S. soil March 24 after being stuck in India for more than four years due to complications in obtaining a visa for her adopted son, Kyle.


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