
Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Three prayers offered " [JC-001] Jon Courson Daily Devotional TEMPLATE Demo

Todays Daily Devotions 

Daily Devotional
January 22
 And he departed , and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel. 
 Mark 5:20 
There are three prayers offered in the first half of Mark 5 ...

‘Let us go into the pigs,’ the demons cried.
And Jesus said, ‘Go.’

‘Leave our region,’ said the Gadarenes.
And Jesus left.

‘I want to follow You,’ said the previously-demonized man.
‘No,’ Jesus said.

When you and I wage war spiritually, when you and I petition and pray perhaps reverently, we must remember, even as this story illustrates so dramatically, that Jesus can say, ‘No’, and ‘No’ is just much an answer as ‘Yes.’ In fact, ‘No’, is sometimes what God reserves especially for those He loves.


In the case before us, Jesus answered the prayers of the demons and of an unbelieving, cynical, hostile society. But He answered the prayer of a believer not in the way which affirmed his request, but rather changed his course. No doubt, this once-demonized man was disappointed initially, but he realized he must keep the directive of his Deliverer and thus returned to speak to his community. And Church History records the group of believers which began to surface in the region. The Church had a powerful expression in the area — most likely birthed by the man Jesus sent home.

Take hope, dear friend. Your prayers not being answered in the way you desire are not indicative of God not hearing or not caring — for He only said ‘No’ to the one who loved Him.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"It was not because of his sins " [GL-01] Daily Greg Laurie Devotional

Todays Daily Devotions 

"It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins . . . He was born blind so the power of God could be seen in him."
The Tsunami that hit Southeast Asia on December 26, 2004 is one of the most horrific natural disasters in recorded history. In times like these, the question often asked is, "Why?" More specifically, "Why did God let this happen?"

The disciples asked Jesus a similar question in John 9. After seeing a man who had been blind from birth, the disciples asked one of the big questions in life, "Why?" They asked, " 'Why was this man born blind? Was it a result of his own sins or those of his parents?' " (v. 2).

But Jesus dismissed the idea out of hand, saying, " 'It was not because of his sins or his parents' sins . . . He was born blind so the power of God could be seen in him' " (v. 3).

So why was this man in the condition that he was in? Even more so, why is there suffering and natural disasters like the tsunami that killed over 150,000 people in at least 11 countries in Southeast Asia? Why do we have war, and terrorism, and tragedy?

First of all, this man's blindness was not a result of personal sin. His blindness was the result of sin in general. For that matter, natural disasters, disease, and suffering are the result of sin in general. God told our first parents, Adam and Eve, that if they eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden they would surely die (see Genesis 2:17). Despite God's warnings, they ate of it. Since that moment, death has spread through the human race like wildfire. But God has offered a solution to death through His Son Jesus Christ. God loves us so much that He reached out to us by sending His own son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to die for our sins.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Devotions Today: "the poor of his people shall trust" [AB-01] Daily Devotional


Todays Daily Devotions 

Arsenija Božanić
[Isaiah, 14:24,26,27,32] 

The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, [so] shall it stand; 
This [is] the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this [is] the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations.

For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul [it]? and his hand [is] stretched out, and who shall turn it back?

What shall [one] then answer the messengers of the nation? 

That the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Devotions Today: "In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley" [CS-01] Daily Devotional


Todays Daily Devotions 


December 31/ January 1

God Is for Us

Romans 8:31-34

Throughout life, there will be times when our sins and failures lead us to conclude that God is disappointed or angry with us. How can He still love me after what I've done? If I'm really forgiven, why do I still feel so guilty? At such tiimes, we need to fix our eyes on the truth of Scripture and ask the questions Paul posed in Romans 8.

If God is for us, who is against us
(v. 31)? 
Our heavenly Father proved His loyalty to us when He delivered His own Son over to death in order to save us. Without Christ's atoning death on our behalf, we would face eternal separation from God.

Who will bring a charge against God's elect (v. 33)? No accusation against us can stand, since at the moment of salvation, the Lord justified us. This means we were legally declared righteous, while still in our sinning condition. No one can reverse this transaction and make us guilty again. To doubt our blameless standing in Christ is to declare His atonement insufficient to cover our sin.

Who is the one who condemns (v. 34)? Although Satan rails against us, Jesus' death and resurrection are proof that we are right with God. Christ took our condemnation and gave us His righteousness in return. Now He sits at the Father's right hand, interceding for us.

When doubts about the Lord's love and faithfulness arise, focus on truth. If we judge His loyalty to us by our circumstances or feelings, we will never get an accurate view of God. True security lies not in our good performance, but in our relationship with Christ, and no one can take that from us.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2009 All Rights Reserved.




VidDevo Today: "Are you talking with God" [VDT-011] Daily Devotional


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