
Friday, June 1, 2012

WORLD WATCH DAILY: Friday June 1, 2012 Sivan 11, 5772

Koenig's International News
Washington: 9:21:17 am - June 1, 2012 - Jerusalem: 4:21:17 pm - Sivan 11, 5772

Christian News

Barack and Barak


Defense Minister Ehud Barak has done it again. Speaking on Wednesday at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, Barak warned that if Israel can't cut a deal with the Palestinians soon, it should consider surrendering Judea and Samaria in exchange for nothing.

Even the diehard leftists in the media had a hard time swallowing his words. After all, when Barak was premier, he oversaw Israel's unilateral surrender of south Lebanon in 2000. Barak promised that by giving Hezbollah south Lebanon, Israel would force the Iranian proxy army to disarm and behave like a Western political party.


Redefining war and espionage, cyberattack on Iran stuns experts


Christian News

Iranian technicians at the Bushehr nuclear power 
plant where the Stuxnet virus affected plant 
activity, November 2010. Photo credit: AP


The Flame virus represents an escalation in cyber warfare and industrial espionage. In its essence, it is a mutation of the Stuxnet virus that damaged computer systems used in the Iranian nuclear program.


Iran destroying evidence of atom work


Christian News


US security think-tank says satellite images indicate two small buildings razed in Parchin as part of Tehran's attempts to conceal evidence of nuclear facilities' existence



'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' - June 3, 2012 


Bible prophecy, encouragement and our commitment to the Lord ... America’s moral collapse accelerated by the courts and by a political party in Congress ... Insight from a long-time Obama friend: He knows a great deal about Islam and knows little about Christianity ... Comprehensive assessment on Israel’s northern border concerns: "The risk to Israel is taking shape. The challenge we are facing is a huge one." ... Netanyahu: The issue of settlements would be solved automatically once there are agreed-upon borders


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Zechariah 12:3,9: 
And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.

Update and Commentary 


"Koenig's Eye View from the White House" 
click here for subscription information

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel" 
click here for book information and/or to purchase

Click on individual logos for William Koenig's videos, tweets, and photos

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'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – June 3, 2012: Bible prophecy, encouragement and our commitment to the Lord ... America’s moral collapse accelerated by the courts and a political party .... Obama knows a great deal about Islam 

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' – May 25, 2012: Obama and his administration continues their unprecedented and divisive assault on Biblical values ... Netanyahu’s Bible Study 

"Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel' Updated Events 

Timeline 2011 to 2019: Events 
on the Calendar

'Eye to Eye' has been hand-delivered 
with comments to over 100 Obama 
Administration officials; political, 
media and Christian leaders

Koenig International News Testimonials 

'News Alerts' by email - 
Bill Koenig

"Koenig's Eye View from the 
White House" sample issue

'Koenig's Eye View from the White House' Subscription Information 

"Koenig's Eye View from the 
White House" - Mail/Fax Form 

Featured News 

Thousands of Turks Rally on 
Anniversary of Flotilla

Book links US to cyber-attacks 
on Iran

Soldier killed in Gaza clash; 
IDF takes out Jihad terrorist

White House: Iran engages in 
'malignant behavior' in Syria

Iran unveils self-made satellite 
navigation system

Iran's leader urges punishment 
for Syria massacre

Putin to Visit Israel 

Sinai Peace-Keeping Force 
Commander Warns of Weapons 
smuggling to Gaza

Iran: Military intervention 
in Syria will 'engulf' Israel
Latest News 

Russian Ballistic Missiles 
to Cover Tracks

Lebanese PM, Erdogan seek ways 
to rescue kidnapped pilgrims

Our galaxy on collision 
course with another: NASA

Exclusive: China arrests security 
official on suspicion of U.S. 
spying: sources

New Syria 'mass killing' 
reported ahead of UN 

Obama accelerated cyber 
attacks against Iran

Threats, deals got drug 
companies on board with 

China's manufacturing sector 
falls sharply

Coalition base attacked 
in eastern Afghanistan, 
ISAF says

Virginia school board votes to 
remove ten commanddments 
from school

China and Japan to begin 
direct currency trading

Wall Street closes dire 
month with a whimper

Azerbaijan security services 
foil attack at Eurovision 
Song Contest

Defense of Marriage Act 
unconstitutional, federal 
appeals court declares

Weekly jobless claims rise 
for fourth straight week

Texas 'honor killing' suspect Yaser 
Said could be hiding in plain sight 
in NYC as taxi driver

German President Warmly 
Received in Israel

Washington-Dulles hologram is first test for U.S. airport 
White House News 

Obama tells donors health-care 
fight may loom after court rules

George W. Bush and wife Laura 
return to White House as 
President Obama unveils their 
official portraits

White House: Obama misspoke 
on 'Polish death camp'
Israel News 


Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. - Psalms 121:4 (KJV) 

Israel returns Palestinian 

For first time, Israel to 
recognize Reform and 
Conservative rabbis

Israel Gas Finds launch Navy 
Into Troubled Waters
Provocative Commentary 

The curse of a golden 
tongue - Wesley Pruden 

Why a federal court struck down 
the Defense of Marriage Act - 
Warren Richey 

The reign of the fantasists - 
Caroline B. Glick 

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates US 
Public Schools? - Aaron Klein

Culture Still Matters - 
Victor Davis Hanson

Whose Middle East Policy Is 
It, Anyway? - Clifford D. May 

Facebook: Egg On Face - 
Cal Thomas

Egypt: Europe's Economic 
Cousin - Michael Tanner

Religion, gay row won't 
impact Pacquiao in ring

The bloodiest day in 
American history - 
Marvin Olasky

Poll: U.S. Adults' Position 
on Abortion - NRO

The Media's Religion Deficit - 
Cal Thomas

Liberals Put The Squeeze 
to Justice John Roberts - 
George Will

The Citizen And The 
Government - 
Cal Thomas

What would the Greek exit 
mean for the US Economy?

Prepare for nuclear Iran - 
Eitan Haber

Archaeologists Uncover Proof of Pre-Jesus Bethlehem 

The New Jerusalem: Israel’s capital has changed its face in past decade, now attracts young people and artists - Elisheva Mazya 
Inspired by God 


Christian News

"The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early on their knees. He who fritters away the early morning, its opportunity and freshness, in other pursuits than seeking God will make poor headway seeking Him the rest of the day. If God is not first in our thoughts and efforts in the morning, He will be in the last place the remainder of the day." - E. M. Bounds 

June 1: The Staggering Question - 
Oswald Chambers

June 1: Does God Want You 
to Succeed? - Charles Stanley

May 31: In God, Not Out of 
Trouble - Streams in the Desert

A.W. Tozer's Daily Devotional 

Charles Spurgeon's 'Morning and 
Evening' Daily Devotional

Daily Light 'Morning and Evening' 
Devotional - Jonathan Bagster

Charles Stanley's Audio Messages 

McLean Bible's Internet Services - 
Pastor Lon Solomon: Services are 
"live" Sunday' at 9 am, 10:45 am, & 
12:30 pm (Eastern-US), rebroadcast 
Monday at 2 pm (Eastern-US)

Pastor Lon Solomon, McLean Bible
Church, McLean, Virginia - 
Sermons by Date, Series and Podcasts

Eye to Eye


Watch the 90-second 'Eye to Eye' video by clicking on the photo.

For book information and/or to order click here

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