
Monday, June 4, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Monday June 04, 2012 Sivan 14, 5772

scott walker
(Photo: Reuters/Darren Hauck)

Tea Party Could Save Gov. Walker in Wisconsin Recall

By Napp Nazworth

Tea Party groups are making significant efforts in support of Gov. Scott Walker ahead of Tuesday's recall election.

Hannah Luce Begins to Walk Weeks After Surviving Plane Crash

By Anugrah Kumar

Hannah Luce, daughter of Teen Mania founder Ron Luce, walked for the first time after surviving a last month's plane crash in Kansas. Her family says she made significant progress after many, including Gov. Sam Brownback of Kansas, prayed for her.


Sen. Marco Rubio picture

Sen. Marco Rubio Introduces DREAM Act Compromise

By Napp Nazworth

In a strongly partisan election year, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is trying to build support for a bipartisan compromise on the DREAM Act, a Democratic bill that would provide a path to citizenship for young undocumented immigrants who graduate from college. Some critics argue that the measure is a cynical attempt to build support among Latino voters while offering them little in return.

The growth potential for the largest wildfire in New Mexico's history, which has devoured more than 227,000 acres, remained high early Sunday as the blaze was advancing across the wilderness in the southwest portion of the state.

President Barack Obama called on Americans to celebrate evolving attitudes toward the homosexual community as he proclaimed June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.

A U.S. federal judge heard arguments Friday in an ongoing legal battle over whether churches should be allowed to hold weekend worship services in New York City's public schools.

Church & Ministries

Israel Class

New Seminary Program on Jesus' Leadership Style Takes Class to Israel

By Alex Murashko

The founder of a group promoting Christian support for Israel wants to take seminary students from U.S. colleges who desire to enter fulltime ministry to the next level by offering a two-week accredited, study tour held in the Holy Land.

"Are you drinking culture's Cool-Aid?" asks Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas. In his new "Cool-Aid" sermon series kicking off this weekend, Young urges people to stop giving in to social norms on issues like homosexuality and same-sex marriage and instead turn to the truth of God.

A California church led by a gay pastor has sponsored a billboard erected in North Carolina, apologizing to the gay community about that state's recent constitutional ban on gay marriage and civil unions.

Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan's Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), is in Budapest, Hungary, Friday for the beginning of a three-day "Festival of Hope" event that seeks to revive evangelic efforts in the Eastern European nation.

How would it feel to replace an influential preacher like John Piper in the pulpit? Jason Meyer admitted he did not want to be the man carrying on the baton that Piper carried faithfully for 32 years.

Syrian President Denies Role in Massacre of Over 100 Civilians

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied Sunday ...

God Bless America Motorcycle Ride Raises $32,000 for Vets

About 2,000 people riding 1,700 motorcycles came ...

Target Blocks Group's Emails Complaining of Gay Pride Shirts

Giant retailer Target has blocked emails from the ...

Obama, Romney Neck and Neck in New Poll

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are neck and neck in ...

Crystal Cathedral Member Sues Catholic Church with $30-Billion Claim

A congregant of the Crystal Cathedral has filed a ...

'Heart-Broken' Black Pastors Want to Meet Obama Over Gay Marriage

Influential African-American pastors have ...

Nearly Half of Americans Believe God Created Humans, Survey Finds

Forty-six percent of Americans hold the creationist view, believing God created humans as they are today within the past 10,000 years ago, a new Gallup survey has found.

So. Baptist Leader Richard Land Reprimanded Over Trayvon Martin Comments

Richard Land, one of the most prominent leaders ...

More Blogs

What Evidence Will Satisfy Hard Core Unbelief?

I was listening to a debate that occurred a few ...

Letters From Dad

My friend, Mark Shriver, has a new book coming ...

A Woman’s Right to Choose…the Sex of Her Baby?

I objected to Roe v. Wade the moment it was ...

The 17 Most Misused Verses in the Bible

Last weekend, I read a helpful book by Eric ...


Green Lantern has been outed as gay by DC Comics June 1, 2012.

Green Lantern is Gay: DC Comics Prompts Backlash by Outing Superhero

By Daniel Distant

Green Lantern has been outed as gay by DC Comics Friday, and the resulting backlash and outrage has led many to wonder how the comic book world - and a majority of their fans, young children - will be affected.

Hoping to set the record straight on his intent with a recent video for his mixtape album "Church Clothes," hip-hop artist and evangelical Christian Lecrae Moore issued a statement insisting that his work was meant to highlight hypocrisy in churches and not cause "a stir" in the Christian community.

A feeling of being abandoned by God and a curiosity about the pagan religion of Wicca led her to a 10-year life immersed in witchcraft, says a first-time Christian author. S.A. (Seleah Ally) Tower said she wants to share her story in order for others to learn how she escaped a very dark period in her life.


A general view of the court during the verdict hearing in the trial of ousted Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in Cairo June 2, 2012. An Egyptian judge convicted Mubarak of complicity in the killings of protesters during the uprising that ended his 30-yea

Hosni Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison; But Protests Follow Mixed Verdict

By Andrew Clark

Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to life in prison as a court handed down a mixed verdict on Saturday, including the acquittal of ex-police commanders. The verdict sparked scenes of protest inside and outside the courtroom, and Mubarak was later treated en route to a prison hospital, complaining he was suffering a "health crisis."

Syrian troops reportedly shelled on Thursday morning the central farming villages of Houla, the site of a horrific massacre that left 108 people dead last weekend and where gruesome stories of violence have been trickling out to the international press.

Egypt's interim military government has let expire a 31-year-old emergency law that once allowed security forces to arrest and detain civilians without charge, as was done during the height of last year's Arab Spring uprisings that saw thousands detained and some reportedly go missing.

Lawmakers in England have proposed changing the language of the country's consummation laws, a part of Great Britain's Marriage Act, in order to allow homosexual couples to legally marry.

Tech & Biz

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Samsung Galaxy S3-Like Upgrades Now Available for Galaxy Nexus

By Vincent Funaro

For Galaxy Nexus owners looking to have access to some of the finer features of the Samsung Galaxy S3, an add-on pack is now available for the older handset that gives it some of the S3's new abilities.

LucasArts has officially announced a new video franchise "Star Wars 1313," exciting gamers across the world on Friday.

A new video has surfaced that shows the next-generation iPhone's front glass panel.

Pepsi Japan has announced a new "salty watermelon" flavor, causing many Americans to shudder in disgust.

Thoughts on Homosexual Comic Book Characters

By Jim Daly

There was a time when comic book themes, however fantastical, were still pretty much tame and moral fare. They tended to champion good vs. evil. But now that both comic book lines have committed to plowing this new ground regarding homosexuality, what's a parent of a teenager (both the Marvel and DC series in question have an age-15-and-up rating) who reads the comics to do?


Is It Sin for Me Not to Like the Doctrine of Election?

By John Piper

John Piper

It's sin not to like the true doctrine of election. It's sin not to like what God likes. I want to say it like that because many people have conceptions of doctrines—all kinds of doctrines—that are inaccurate.


Five Secrets Pastors Refuse to Tell

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

By their very nature, pastors are a confidential lot. But most people don't realize pastors have their own secrets. These spiritual leaders refuse to share their thoughts or pains for fear that their own ministries will be damaged. So they keep the secrets.


Miss USA and 'The Liar's Workout'

By Jim Denison

Miss USA Alyssa Campanella walks on stage as she is chosen as a finalist in the Miss Universe 2011 pageant in Sao Paulo September 12, 2011.

Miss Rhode Island won last night's "Miss USA" contest. Her support for transgendered contest participants drew loud applause from the crowd and is consistent with the pageant's official position. Miss Ohio is also in the news for citing "Pretty Woman" as a positive depiction of women on screen.


Evangelicals and Catholics Together Getting Born Again

By Dan Delzell

Dan Delzell

It has been nearly 20 years since leading Evangelical and Roman Catholic scholars in the United States signed an ecumenical document to deliver a common witness to the modern world. One affirmation in that document stated: "All who accept Christ as Lord and Savior are brothers and sisters in Christ." This is most certainly true.


Inside Church Planting: From Church Plant to Megachurch Plant (Part 5)

By Jeff Schapiro

Mars Hill West Seattle

While some church planters struggle to get their ministries up and running, others have seen their church plants grow from nothing more than a vision to megachurches that are attended by thousands of people every weekend.


The Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage, Part 2

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.


Marriage is not merely the arena for sexual activity, it is presented in Scripture as the divinely-designed arena for the display of God's glory on earth as a man and a wife come together in a one-flesh relationship within the marriage covenant.


What Makes You Beautiful?

By Lane Palmer

one direction

"What Makes You Beautiful" is much more than an internet splash with over 140 million views and rising like the tide. And I may be mistaken, but it feels like "beautiful" is mainly equated with physical appearance.


Parental Discipline Without Provocation

By Kevin DeYoung


In Ephesians 6:4, God tells fathers (though I think the application is fair for both parents) to raise children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. He also warns against provoking our children to anger. So how do we do one without the other?


'Joni and Friends' Celebrates Three Decades of Radio Ministry

By Jeff Schapiro

Joni Eareckson Tada is a radio host and the founder of the Joni and Friends International Disability Center.

The month of May marked the 30th anniversary of Joni Eareckson Tada's award-winning radio program, "Joni and Friends Radio," which has inspired listeners around the world and educated them about people with disabilities.


Dictators and Baby Girls

By Eric Metaxas


In the newly released film, "The Dictator," the title character is played by shock comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. In one scene, the dictator is informed by his wife that she is pregnant; to which he replies: "Are you having a boy or an abortion?" Yikes!


America's Moral Temperature: Is Pornography the Next Battleground?

By Dr. Richard D. Land

Richard Land

A newly released Gallup poll taking America's moral temperature finds strong support for fidelity in marriage and increasing respect for unborn life, but in other key areas – specifically sex outside of marriage and homosexuality – Americans may have lost their biblical compass. And, unless all people of faith unite in opposition, pornography may be next.


The Dark Secret of Pastoral Ministry: Why Pastors Get Tired

By Paul Tripp

Pastor Burnout

He had thought that his deep dedication and unending schedule were the result of the motivation and loyalty of faith, but in midst of his exhaustion and his family's protest, he began to wonder. Could it be that this life of frenetic energy and constant ministry focus was driven by something else?


A Week in China - Insight Into WEA's Meetings With China's Officials

By Brian C Stiller

Geoff Tunnicliffe

World Evangelical Alliance's (WEA) Secretary General Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, and WEA Global Ambassador, Brian Stiller, met with China's director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) in May to discuss the place of the Chinese Evangelical Church within the global Christian community.


The Kind of Church God Blesses

By Rick Warren

Rick Warren

London has some of the most beautiful, historic churches in the entire world. Yet they are also some of the most empty. I was struck by this recently when I was in the city to do a Bible study. Churches are dying off so fast that they're being sold off to bars and restaurants. London churches are desperate for the blessing of God.


Edward Klein on 'The Amateur,' Obama's Faith

By Paul Stanley


The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who for years was the pastor of Barack and Michelle Obama, told author Edward Klein in a three-hour interview for his book, The Amateur, that the first couple are not "church people." Released last week, the book instantly hit The New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists and is drawing both praise and criticism for its portrayal of the president's inexperience prior to and during his first term.


The Church and Homosexuality: Ten Commitments

By Kevin DeYoung


Of the many complexities involving the church and homosexuality, one of the most difficult is how the former should speak of the latter. So how ought we to speak about homosexuality? Should we be defiant and defensive or gentle and entreating?


'Mormon Moment' Forcing Christians to Learn About Mormonism

By Lillian Kwon


With Mitt Romney now the first Mormon presidential nominee of a major party, America has reached what many are calling the "Mormon moment." That reality is forcing Christian leaders to get a better grasp of a religion that few understand.


The Seduction of Pornography and the Integrity of Christian Marriage, Part 1

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

The most important answer we can give to pornography's rise in popularity is rooted in the Christian doctrine of sin. As sinners, we corrupt what God has perfectly designed for the good of His creatures and we have turned sex into a carnival of orgiastic pleasures.


Is It Possible to Love Your Spouse Too Much?

By Jim Daly

Jumping the broom

Many of us will be attending weddings in the coming months. They're rightly enamored with each other and want to do everything they can to please their new spouse. This is good, of course, but it can also be a problem if it's taken to the extreme.


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